As Numerous as the Stars

January 28, 2010


Filed under: Generation 3 — summergrey @ 4:04 pm

Let’s begin with a scene of fatherly love!

…and we can just ignore the fact that Seven hates kids.

Seven: You know, you’re kind of cute…come back to me in fifteen years or so, and we can go pickpocketing together, okay?

Elka: Darling? We want to foster positive hopes and dreams in our children, not aspirations of criminality.


Lookin good in that lab coat! Seven is up to level five in science. Four more to go for his LTW.

Birthday, birthday! Elka feels pretty. This is NOT about you, selfish fool.

I can haz cute?

I believe Eight’s traits are neurotic, perfectionist, and virtuoso.

“Oh god, I think someone left a plate on the table. MUST…KEEP…ORDERLY…”

What’s that? Pregnant AGAIN?

Don’t give me that sheepish grin.

“I knew it was a bad idea to stick the screwdriver in the socket.”

“Oh my, everything is so calm! Isn’t it lovely to have a small little legacy house?”

No! More chaos, NOW!


Yes, well, the chaos is about to pick up again. It’s simply too easy to have a child and a toddler, with no hormonal pregnant women or wailing babies.

Resuming her toddler tradition of vigorously building blocks, Eight refuses to ever do any actual skilling.

“What, can’t I have a childhood?”

Did you forget you’re a legacy kid?

Seven has reached level seven (har har!) so he finally planted the two special seeds and one rare seed that I had been saving in his inventory for god knows how long. Money tree pleeease?

“If I act cute, maybe I get picture in chapter?”

Yes, my dear. There you go. You finally have a picture.

” *squeeee!* ”

Breaking tradition, Eight eats some leftover sushi.


I find it ironic that Eight wet herself right as her baby brother is learning to NOT wet himself. Good example setting! *round of applause*

Why Marki, you’ve gotten old!

Meet Nan, Six’s oldest baby girl. NOOOOOOOOO SHE ISN’T GREEN! Although she does have alien freak neon eyes from Marki. If only this girl wasn’t related to the Numerals, she would totally be a spouse so I could get me those eyes. she’s excitable and athletic.

And here is Annamarie, who was born shortly after the picture of Six at the pool earlier. WIN! GREEN! she’s a good genius.

Eight: Hi Daddy!

Seven: Oh, it’s YOU again. When are you leaving already?

Eight: He loves me, he really really loves me!

Seven and Nine have a strange relationship. Seven rolls wants to snuggle the baby all the time, and then bitches and moans the whole time about being too close to a baby. WTF. Either like him or don’t like him!

Seven: See, it’s the principle of them I don’t like. On an individual basis, I can tolerate them…sometimes.

Eight: “You know Mr. Maid, yesterday you left a thin layer of dust around the floor of my bed. I simply can’t tolerate that. Everything must be perfect or I might have a panic attack.”

Maid: “NO WAI! Another neat freak? Let’s be besties!”

Hear the angels sing, as Nine enjoys a stay in the Holy Crib of all that is Holy.

*angels sing*

Thank you, thank you.

Elka seems possessed with the spirit of Uvrayism.

Holy crap, can you close your eyes? SO SCARY

Elka: “Aren’t you so proud of me, blessing my son like I just did? With the spirit of the duckies and all?”

Yeah…sure…as long as you never make that face again.

Note the gross maternity dress. Baby Ten is officially en route.

“Oh my GOD! That’s how they make hot dogs? I think I’m going to faint, I can’t handle this…”

“…oh, wait, it was just a burp.”

Eight, you have some explaining to do…


ghosts like sprinklers too.

oh dear…I can feel a cyndi lauper moment coming on…GHOSTS JUST WANNA HAVE FUNNN

okay, moment’s past! :D


Uh, I don’t have a caption. It was just too good a picture to not put in.

“Hey auntie Six! How are the babies? Uh huh, uh huh…”

“Annamarie isn’t green anymore? Well, thank god! Isn’t it rather unhealthy to be green?”

Yep, that’s right, a look at the family tree shows that Annamarie has turned a normal shade of beige. WTF? Gimme back my green baby, EAxis!

They’re such a cute mother-son pair. I can’t handle it.

Five is having a day out with Sebastian in the park. (Sorry about Five’s hair, I accidentally deleted her normal braid and she had a different hair for this play session, my bad!)

Sebastian, like his mom, his dad, and his big sister, is very blonde.

Six has abandoned poor Nan on the ground. And turned her back on her. Um, why are you pregnant again? you JUST HAD A BABY goodness! Do my sims not realize there’s a woohoo button next to the try for baby button?

Poor Nan…even the pond can hear her lonely cries.

“I love you already, baby!”

Yes, that’s definitely where Nine’s eyes are from. They’re the same as One’s, which were the same as Stiles’s.

One had to check it for herself.

“Woaaaah…they ARE the same!”

Uh, WOAH, a hottie just moved in next door. Grow up quickly, Eight!

“Daddy, daddy help, I think I caught something!”

“So reel it in. I’m busy over here.”

Elka is getting gigantic. Also, the ghosts are basically around 24/7. It’s pretty annoying.

“I take back my statement of love…I’ll love you once you stop breaking my back.”

..which turns out to be a lot sooner than she expected.

Elka: “What’s going on?”


Elka: “Hmm, funny, I don’t feel anything…”

Elka: “Oh, wait, there it is! How silly!”

Seven: “Well, would you look at that, it’s time to go to work! I suppose I’ll be seeing you all…good luck with the whole baby thing!”

(Another promotion, by the way, to something with a REALLY SPIFFY lab coat.)

“As long as I face the other way, I can pretend it’s not happening.”


Elka: “I’m just having a baby, it’s not like the world’s collapsing.”

One: “This is so exciting I can hardly contain my bladder!”

CG: “Come on, I did NOT marry a woman who wets herself!”


One: “oopsie.”

Elka: *is mildly amused*

One: “Wow, that was mortifying.”

Finally, the circus can come to an end.

Welcome, baby girl Ten! She’s insane and brave.

Ten: “What’s that peculiar smell?”

um. about that.

And now, to close the chapter: Some pictures of legacy children!

This is Sora, daughter of Five and Shelby. Her eyes aren’t actually lopsided, I promise :) I just took the picture at an inopportune moment. She has blue eyes like her daddy and blond hair like both mom AND dad AND grandpa CG, too. Her personality is genius, heavy sleeper, can’t stand art, and hot-headed (only four because she’s still a teen.) Doesn’t she look ridiculously like Five?

Here’s Daniel, son of Three and Barbara, as a child. his personality is mooch, virtuoso, and brave. I adore this child. I think it’s sort of funny that he’s a first cousin of Four, Five, Six and Seven even though he’s so young. What can I say, it took Three a while to find a soulmate. (Two never did, since she’s a loner, and now she’s an elder, so no kids from her :/ )

Isn’t he the darndest thing? lookit his big round eyes!

That’s all for now – until next time!

Oh wait – I made a page with the downloads I use in my legacy. If you’re interested in some of my CC, check it out! If I don’t have what you’re looking for linked, just comment and I’ll figure out where I got it from and add it to the list.



  1. Elka’s pregnancy with Ten was pretty much hilarious. I think she must be creepy, because Eight and Nine don’t make the clear eyes look creepy…so it’s her. Just my theory. haha.

    Great chapter & thanks for updates on the relatives’ kids! :)

    Comment by nessva — January 29, 2010 @ 2:04 pm

  2. I agree with Nessva. Elka slightly scares me a bit. I’m pretty sure it’s the eyes.

    And I love the updates on the relative’s kids. It helps me keep everything straight. :)

    Comment by courtneysims3 — January 30, 2010 @ 11:18 pm

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